When your payment is returned, you will be notified by our support and you will be able to see the return reason on your payment details on your Payment Labs dashboard. Below are listed the most common return reasons and a brief explanation for them


Invalid banking details

In most cases, it's not possible to pinpoint what the invalid information is. However, the most common causes for this return reason are listed below:

  • Invalid account or routing number: Make sure that your account and routing numbers are correct.
  • Incorrect name: If the name you entered on your payment method does not match the name on your bank account, your bank may return the payment.
  • Mismatching currencies: Make sure that the selected currency on your payment method is accepted by the informed bank account.

Bank's internal policy

In some cases your bank may reject the payment due to an internal policy on their end. In these cases, you will need to contact your bank and ask how to proceed.


Failure to provide the requested compliance information

If your payment was on hold and you have not provided the requested information, your payment will be returned. In order for your payment to be re-submitted, you will need to provide the requested information.

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